When you play on a softball team, having a place to practice should be at the forefront of your goals. There are many different places and cages you can go to in order to increase the efficiency of your batting average, but what if you just want to stay home and practice?
There are batting practice systems that you can use directly from your backyard that are just as effective. There is a company by the name of Solohitter that is used by coaches and players all over the Little League, and even in the Major Leagues, that can help increase their game in terms of batting. A Solohitter is a netted area where a ball is attached from a wire to the gate, so when you hit the ball it bounces against the net and comes back to you. With this, you can practice on your aim, power, and precision and have it at its greatest peak in no time.
This will help you improve your hand-eye coordination, you do not have to chase balls around and it requires no pitcher, you can adjust the ball height to any height for the player, it helps to reinforce proper hitting position, is perfect for backyard batting practice, and it can be used at any time at any place. When you are at bat there are a lot of things to consider in a short amount of time. You need to be sure you have practiced enough so this is all muscle memory to you, and the Solohitter can certainly help with that. It is interesting to note that there are even people in the Major Leagues that still use a Solohitter to this day, and there is no substitution for it. For the serious athlete that wants to improve their batting average and batting precision, you need a Solohitter. Some of the greatest players to ever hit a ball have used a Solohitter and they come highly recommended.
This will help you not just improve your batting power but also your bat speed and will help in a smooth, consistent swing. Being precise is just as important as hitting the ball hard and both require practice and dedication. So, the next time you find yourself needing to improve your game make sure to take the time to invest in a Solohitter and watch your skills increase before your eyes.