Social Media can be a big help for many businesses, as it allows businesses to reach out to new customers via organic advertising. Organic advertising is the process of a customer who has purchased an item from your brand or store sharing your page or information about your brand with friends or family. This begins to create a reputation for your business before you ever talk to your new potential customers. In order to truly create this reputation, it is important that your customers have an avenue on which they are able to speak about your brand freely and leave feedback. It is important to know that there are certain risks that are associated with taking your brand onto social networks, since your brand will face a lot of controversy if your customers are not happy. This article will explain some of the risks that are associated with taking your brand onto social networks, and some of the challenges that you may have to face while looking to create a reputation via social media.
1. Trolls

The first type of challenge you may face is trolls. Trolls is the name given to people or individuals on the internet who are purposely leaving negative comments or reviews in order to cause harm or stir up anger. This is common on the internet, and will need to be constantly monitored in order to ensure that customers are not driven away from your website or social media page by these individuals.
2. Potential Reputation Changes

Your online reputation is vital to your brand, as social media allows each and every customer to leave his or her opinion about your brand and the service that he or she received on a page that everyone will be able to view. If you are not providing adequate customer service, or the customer is not satisfied, this does give you the opportunity to improve upon your current business model, which can help you to increase your overall number of customers in the long-run, but it may do damage to your short-term revenue if you are allowing everyone to post on your wall.
3. Advertising
If you are a new brand, then you may not have the money to advertise on social media networks. In order to avoid this, simply asking your satisfied customers to leave you feedback and share your page with their friends and family will allow you to advertise for free.